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A few days ago A Curious Mind awarded me this wonderful award


Thank you so much, I feel very honored to be part of this award again. This is the second time this award has come my way.

*RULES of The Award:

1. Ping back to the person who gave you the Award.

2. Display the Award.

3. Display text in Red (if posible) as the creator of this Award wants people to know why he made it.

4. Nominate 10 people you look to as almost family here on WordPress.

“Creator of this Award”



Now it is time for me to pass on this award.

  1. Green Bench Ramblings
  2. African Travel Tales 
  3. Masqua
  4. Whilehewasout 
  5. Animalsdeservetolive
  6. Ronscubadiver
  7. Newsferret
  8. Markovicharts
  9. Chasspain
  10. Geoffshootstheworld
Many thanks to all you bloggers out here who take the time and effort to read my posts. 🙂 *Brigid
Special thanks to William Hancock